Prepare your home to sell

Congratulations, you’re thinking of listing you home to sell!


How wonderful, have you thought about what you are going to do to get your home ready?


Understandably there is so much information on the internet and you may not know where to start. Well, I hope I can help, even if it’s just a little. As a licenced real estate agent and interior designer, I have come up with a few tricks to hopefully help you out.


Doing these few things will increase the value of your home without costing you extra money.

1.     Declutter your home.

You have probably seen this all over the internet as the first thing to do, well its true. Someone coming in to view your home does not care about your choice of art or your family photos everywhere. Now don’t get rid of them, they will have a place in your new house. Always keep in mind that less is more. Less appliances on the countertops in your kitchen the better. Leave it up to the imagination of the potential buyer. Remove shower curtains, drapes, curtains if you can. Leave them if you can’t remove, leave art on the wall. Keep it as neutral as you can.

2.     Stage with purpose or don’t stage at all.

Staging can be expensive if you pay a company to do it, but if you have no need for some furniture or can wait to move it. Leave it for staging, for example a bed with nightstands in the primary bedroom. If you do not have enough to stage leave it up to the potential buyer to imagine their own things in the space. If you have a large room that can be staged for multiple uses and you have the furniture, go for it. If you have a small room that is hard to stage leave it empty. There is always a possibility to virtually stage your home. Giving more ideas to the potential buyer, remember to tell your real estate agent to add that it was virtually staged to your listing details.

3.     Take photos in all seasons if possible.

This gives the potential buyer a great idea of what the house will look like during all seasons. So in case you have to sell during the winter the buyer can still see what the landscape looks like outdoors. The more you can share with a potential buyer, the better. They want to feel dawn into the house, like you took the time and thought about everything ahead of time.


Of course, these are great options but if you really want to make the most money on your investment… spend a little bit of money to touch up your home. Hire an interior designer who can come into your home and update/freshen it cosmetically. This can cost anywhere from $5,000-$15,000. Now that may include updating flooring, moving walls, tiling bathrooms/kitchens etc. It can also be done for under $5,000 if you are willing to do some of the work yourself and maybe pay a designer a virtual fee.


The cheapest way to update your home is PAINT, a neutral light color will bring in all that natural light and make your home feel fresh and updated. Even if it isn’t your taste, others will enjoy that more than the colors you currently have.


We offer all these services to save you time and money. Allow us to show you how we can help refresh your home then sell it fast, keeping more money in your pocket.